Beautiful women in bikini with big breasts

Welcome to this new image gallery full of beautiful women with big breasts posing in their bedroom wearing sexy bikini.

If you enjoy this gallery full of stunning women wearing hot bikinis, bookmark the Ai Beautiful Women website: Press Ctrl + D to add this page to your favorites!

Do you like hot and sexy women in bikini? Take a look at this other gallery full of cute bikini girls with hot ass.

I generated these image using as base the new stable diffusion xl models or sdxl.
Stable diffusion xl models follow the descriptions and keywords inserted in the prompts more precisely than the old stable diffusion versions. This allows you to write shorter prompts and so it is easier to identify which phrase or word has generated strange or unwanted effects.

Since stable diffusion xl is more sensitive to the words contained in the prompts, even a single word or adjective added or removed can significantly change the image generated by the ai.

Using stable diffusion xl it is no longer necessary to write a lot of sentences in the negative prompts and you just need to add negative sentences only when it is strictly necessary.

Stable diffusion xl models have not solved the problem of the badly drawn hands: almost all the images generated have to be discarded because the hands are drawn really badly and in the end some photo editing is necessary to make the images presentable, even for the chosen successful images.
The images generated with sdxl are also more grainy than those generated with the old models which are cleaner in the drawing.
Generating images with SDXL requires much more GPU computing power and memory than SD 1.5 so ai image generation is much slower and often the hated “out of memory” warning appears.

There are therefore advantages and disadvantages in switching from Stable Diffusion 1.5 to SDXL.

Stay tuned because I will publish soon more galleries with ai generated beautiful hot women.